Flu Shot Myths Debunked

To get the flu shot or not, that is the question. Or is it? There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the flu shot in recent years, as many people are opting to forgo the shot and take their chances. Unfortunately, this year’s influenza breakout is one of the worst we’ve seen. While many people think it is the flu virus that is causing all the problems, the fact is that people not getting the flu shot is also a problem. This is why we thought it was time to dispel some of the most common flu shot myths. At Urgentology Care, your health and wellness is a top priority of ours. We want to make sure you have all the information necessary to make educated choices about you and your family’s health. We offer flu shots in our Arlington clinic and are here to answer any questions you may have, in the event you are still unsure. With that in mind, let’s now look at the most common flu shot myths and why they are just that– myths:

Myth #1: The flu shot can give me the flu. False. Simply put, this is not true, even though it is one of the most widespread misconceptions about the flu shot. Flu shots include inactivated flu proteins, but it is impossible for them to give you the flu. Many people experience minor muscle soreness and cold symptoms after the flu shot, but this is not to be mistaken for the flu itself. It can take up to two weeks for the vaccine to work, so it is possible for you to get the flu in this time period. In the event you get the flu right after getting the vaccine, chances are you were already exposed to the virus prior to getting the shot.

Myth #2: The flu shot doesn’t work. False. This is another common rumor that is spread about the flu virus. According to research, the effectiveness of the flu vaccine is about 30-80 percent. The reason for the wide gap? The vaccine is developed about 6-9 months before flu season, which can make it difficult to predict the most virulent strains during flu season.

Myth #3: If you’ve gotten the flu shot once before, you are protected. False. Each year the flu virus is different, which means you must get a new vaccine every year in order to be protected from this season’s particular strain.

Myth #4: If you’re healthy, you don’t need the flu shot. False. While people with weak immune systems and those who are chronically ill are undoubtedly more at risk of getting the flu, even healthy people can benefit from being vaccinated.

Myth #5: Children and pregnant women don’t need the flu shot. False. According to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, all individuals 6 months older should get vaccinated for the flu shot every year, including pregnant women.

To learn more about the flu or if you have additional questions about , please contact Urgentology Care today.

Important: If you have a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 or go to your nearest Emergency Room. Information in this site is not intended to be used as a diagnosis for your symptoms. If you experience any of these symptoms, please seek medical attention or visit Urgentology Care.

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